
A treatment with BodyFix is a treatment appointment like no other.
Leannes approach to musculoskeletal issues or general pain & tension in the booking consists of a unique mixture of approaches to achieve the most incredible dynamic results, immediately felt after each treatment.
Leannes knowledge and over a decade of treating experience with a diverse range of clientele to professional bodybuilders, professional boxers, elite runners, military personnel, official candidates and the everyday humans amongst us dealing with a variety of stress, work load and physical ailments we inevitably encounter.
There is no issue to large or small that Leanne cannot advise on, using her expertise.
When booking your treatment understand ALL treatments consist of
assessment & chat before your treatment starts
sports Massage
dry needling & or Fire cupping
This is based specifically on each appointment for your individual needs and preferences each time.
To book choose from options list of pain present appointment/ General Maintenance appointment or Full body MOT. Please understand all treatments are assessed at your appointment and are a Hybrid mix of all elements of treating